💡Is it time to update your pain treatment plan?

In the world of pain management, treatments are changing all the time, hence updating your treatment plan or seeking a second medical opinion can be a pivotal step towards refining and optimising your treatment pathway. Everyone’s experience with pain is unique, and different specialists may offer diverse perspectives and insights.  


A second opinion, especially from an experienced pain specialist, brings fresh expertise and alternative viewpoints, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your condition. This process can unveil new treatment options, innovative approaches, or adjustments to existing plans, ultimately enhancing the precision and effectiveness of your pain management strategy. Additionally, it empowers patients with a sense of confidence and control over their healthcare decisions. Collaborating with multiple specialists fosters a more personalised and patient-centric approach, ensuring that your treatment pathway aligns seamlessly with your specific needs and aspirations for improved well-being. 


Should you Accept Suffering with Chronic Pain? 

Do not accept ongoing suffering with chronic pain. Seeking the correct help is crucial, as effective treatments can break this cycle. Don't accept being told that nothing more can be done. Pain is manageable with the right support and the right combination of treatments. 


Living with chronic pain can feel like an insurmountable challenge, affecting every aspect of life. However, with the right support and management strategies, it's possible to reclaim a fulfilling life.  


Let's explore a few key insights and empowering steps to guide you on this journey. 

Chronic Pain is Unique 

Chronic pain is a constant, severe, and exhausting experience. It is 100% unique to you and no one else. Like your own fingerprint, one-of-a-kind. Its subjective nature makes it challenging to diagnose, measure and treat. Describing your pain in detail aids specialists in understanding diagnosing its origin and formulating effective management strategies. 

The Boom-Bust Cycle Of Pain  

Chronic pain leads to extended periods of rest, causing weakness and stiffness. Attempting to resume activities can result in excessive pain, creating a harmful boom-bust cycle of underactivity, then overactivity. Prolonged rest puts you at risk of deconditioning, impacting physical, functional, psychological, and social aspects of your life. 

The Importance of a Pain Specialist Team 

Effective pain management requires a coordinated team led by a senior pain specialist. Updated treatments might include updated medications to treat neuropathic pain, or muscle spasms, advanced injections for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. These can nowadays be done with newer types of imaging techniques like ultrasound guidance. New chemicals can now be injected onto nerves and joints like phenol and alcohol. Although these medications have been used for many years in medicine, then can now be used in some forms of chronic pain.  physical and functional therapies to regain strength and mobility. Ongoing support and education from your pain management team. Advanced pain therapies for non-responsive pain might include some forms of peripheral nerve stimulation for pain, procedures that can now be applied through a small needle.  


If you have questions, please just ask your pain team.  


Could You Benefit from an updated review by a Pain Management Specialist? 

If you answer yes to the following three questions, talk to your doctor about an updated referral to a pain management specialist. 

  1. Is your pain difficult to control with current treatments? 

  1. Is your pain interfering with your ability to function and enjoy life? 

  1. Is your pain chronic (lasting more than 3 months)? 



Living well with chronic pain is a journey, but you're not alone. Specialist teams and a range of options are available to help you better manage and control your pain. With the right team and experts around you, a fulfilling life with chronic pain is not just possible but probable. 


Contact us now to schedule a consultation to update your pain treatment plan.